
About me

Welcome to Swim with Micky Fin.


Please join me in the adventures of  visiting as many swimming pools and other places we can swim.


Like many, I love being in the water of any type or location. For many years I participated in swim squad and ocean races.  In my experience no problem is as great after a few laps and I never regret getting in the water.


This site is for anyone who wants to know about the places in Sydney (and beyond) where we can swim. Whether you are a swimmer doing laps for mental and physical wellbeing, a competitive athlete or just someone who loves moving around in the water with as few clothes as possible this is the place for you.


I will post a review of of a council or ocean pool every week giving my experience and a quick summary of location, background, access, pool quality and cost. 


A final word, this is my experience only, yours may differ, and I look forward to seeing shared stories on the review posts.


For regular updates you can follow me on